Adding a Solar Switch to Sophie

Solar panels

The four solar panels on Sophie’s roof mean that any time the sun is shining power is being sent to the new lithium house batteries. There was a detailed post on the LTV RV Enthusiasts Facebook group about how to install a solar cutoff switch. It sounded like a good idea, so after ordering and receiving a few parts from Amazon, it was time to do the install.

Solar panels covered

Before installing the switch it was necessary to make sure the all power was off. Step one was to cover the solar panels so they wouldn’t generate any power, which was followed by disconnecting the negative cable on the lithium house batteries.

test hole

The installation required drilling a hole in the a thin panel with a step bit, something I had never used before and I could just see myself drilling too big of a hole with it. In my workshop I found a similar piece of paneling and drilled a test hole. It was far easier than I thought it would be to drill the correct size hole.

panel with switch installed

The back side of the panel with the switch installed. Next is was a simple matter of wiring in the switch. (Unfortunately I was so caught up in how easy the whole installation was I forgot to take a photo of it.)

Completed installation

The panel with the new switch reinstalled. The hardest part of the whole install was reaching back into this little compartment to take out and later replace the six small screws that held the panel in place.

A Wee Bit of Wee Beastie

I can hear it now. How can you drink 5 year old Scotch? If it is Wee Beastie, “With Great Satisfaction” I answer. One person’s Nectar of the Gods is another’s hog slop, and so be it. To me boiled turnips aren’t fit for man or beast, yet my significant other absolutely loves them. If we like something it is good, if we don’t maybe some else will like it. Their are legions of Scotch drinkers who wouldn’t be caught dead drinking a 5 year old Scotch. Thank goodness for them, it means it is more than likely there will be a few bottles of Wee Beastie on the store shelf for me.

To quote from the Ardbeg Wee Beastie webpage: “[T}he rawest, smokiest Ardbeg ever . . . sappy pine resin and a sharp tang of smoke . . . explosive mouthfeel bursts forth with . . . creosote and tar.” That’s my kind of Scotch. Your preference may differ.

Déjà Vu All Over Again

Didn’t we see this same thing several weeks ago?
Old AC
Out with the old
New AC
In with the new
Almost done
Almost installed

The white cover that came with the new unit. Our old one had a black cover. The black covers were backordered for quite some time, so we had the white cover unit ordered, the color of the cover being the only difference in the units. After installing the new unit they just swapped the covers. That was an easy solution to the problem.

Never a Dull Moment

When you live as close to the border with Mexico as we do, scenes like this are not all that unusual as border crossers are always passing through our community on their quest to get as far north as quickly as possible. What is unusual is seeing both the Border Patrol and State Trooper vehicles together and at this time of day. Later we learned the did apprehend several people.