Gardening Is Never Done

Having bolted the new metal raised bed together and placed them where the family gardening goddess requested, it was time to transfer the soil from the existing raised bed to the new ones. We learned over the years a key step is to always screen the soil to remove any undesirable materials, whatever they may be. I built the screen many years ago and it still has many years of life left.

The plastic bag between the two bed is filled with the undesirable material. I don’t try to get every last little bit of soil out of the existing beds since we are going to be placing a new bed in this same general location.

Tweaking This Blog

Watching YouTube videos like this have made me realize there is no good reason why my Vivaldi Blog should have large images. Smaller images are just as viewable and they load much faster. I try to keep the images I post here between 150 and 400 kB even if I don’t always succeed. My photo editor of choice is Affinity Photo which I’ve used for a number of years.

At Last, I’ve Finally Written and Published a Book

Like many people, I’ve always wanted to write a book. Here it is, a story written especially for my grandson Justin. Professional, it is not, but the sense of pride I have from having been able to do this especially for him is far beyond any sense of accomplishment I’ve ever had.

Birds of a Feather Really Do Flock Together

I like to do the grocery shopping early in the morning, especially during the three months when the ‘Winter Texans” have their annual Rio Grand Valley migration and our local HEB grocery store becomes packed by mid morning. It always amazes my how there can be hundreds and hundreds of grackles perched on the electric wires around this intersection. This time I finally had enough time to take out my phone a get a photo of a small portion of them.

More Than Just a Light Trim

While I was busy with the new planting beds, the wife was busy giving the backyard shrubs a trim.

My thoughts were to give the white sage a trim all over to keeps its shape.

Obviously her idea of what to do in regards to how to trim it was vastly different from mine. Only if I would have trimmed it when we first talked about some time ago, but I didn’t, so I’ll just bite my tongue and hop to it next time.