No one is perfect, and our picking yesterday for our day of rest and relaxation certainly proved the point. Especially since today turned out to be a day of forced rest and relaxation. In the early morning the rain came down, in the morning the rain came down, in the early afternoon the rain came down. Only in the very late afternoon did it stop. Some might say we took the cowards way out and stayed in the apartment. We looked at it that we still had 10 weeks to go on this trip, so why go out if we really didn’t have to.

And the rain came down.

In the late afternoon the rain stopped and we and the other people in Avignon came out.

What is a photo of the local Monoprix without showing one of the items I just had to have. It looked good, had a high price and when I had that first taste I knew I had done very well indeed.

Just a few stores from the Monoprix is this little pizza shop. I’ve stopped here before and the young woman shopkeeper is not only very vivacious, she also speaks very good English and if there are no other customers, likes to chat.

The chorizo pizza she sells i so darned good I seem to always eat some of the slice before I remember to take a photo. As for my wife, she went with the tried and true comfort food of the female of the species. Ice cream and cookies. What makes her happy, makes me happy.

In the early evening the rain was gone and the sun was out.

I finished up the day by streaming my favorite football team, Mount Union, absolutely destroy their opponent, Muskingum College, 59-0. The unbeaten Mount union team had 552 yards in total offense while the unbeaten Muskingum team going into the game was only able to gain 57 yards in total offense. Mount is ranked number 3 in the small school division for a reason. Next Saturday we will be in London attending a West Theater production, but since we both absolutely love the West End Theater shows, I will still be a happy camper.
Several years ago my wife and I saw the West End production of Come From Away and rated it as one of the very best of the hundreds of plays we have seen over the years. We had told our daughter if she ever got the chance, it was a must see. This morning we got a text from her saying she, our son-in-law and their youngest daughter had attend a performance of the touring Broadway production last night and absolutely loved it. If you ever get the opportunity to see Come From Away, it will be something you will always remember. All to often we are inundated with news of Man’s Inhumanity to Man. Come From Away is about Man’s Humanity to Man.