When Okay is Good Enough

When you are going to attend one of those soirées where it is stated that ‘Gentlemen should wear jackets” and you don’t own such a garment, what do you do. Some five years ago we were scheduled to attend a whisky tasting in Scotland where jackets were very highly recommended. We solved that problem by going to a second hand thrift shop and buying, for a ridiculously low price, a very nice tweed jacket. We disposed of it by simply leaving it in the hotel room when we checked out as I had absolutely no further need for it.

Fast forward to the present day where once again we are presented with the same situation. So once again it was off to the second hand thrift shop for some shopping. Trying for the black look we hoped to find a “suitable” black jacket.

As expected, there wasn’t much of a selection, but there were several black jackets, though as shown on the photographic young model above, some were, shall we say, a tad too large to provide the dashing debonair man about town look I was trying to achieve even though the black color goes perfectly with the jeans I was wearing.

When okay is good enough. Yes it is a size too small, but it is never going to be buttoned. I really like this look and the fact the sleeves a tad short, plus at only $9.99 the price was about $165 less than what we had seen at the regular stores for something that, while the correct size, didn’t give me the fitted look I like. Never let it be said that I’m unwilling to spend whatever it takes to get the look I like.


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