Just A Week Ago It Was …

…really cold with temperatures expected to dip just below freezing overnight. The most susceptible plans were the ones in the fabric hanging garden. Those being the coleus plants which my wife had started from cuttings some four years ago and a purple plant (for lack of any idea as to what it is called) that our daughter gave to her years ago. She had not only protected those plants, but had done it in style.

Alack and alas the purple plant survived but the coleus didn’t make it. For some reason my comment about losing the coleus not being that bad because the pockets needed to be refreshed didn’t go over very well at all with her. Someday I may realize I need to keep my mouth shut and just give her a big hug when tragedies like this take place. Too bad there isn’t a manual written for husbands about how to understand women.


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