Strasbourg Bits and Pieces

It is always interesting what the hotels or apartments we pick turn out to be. Hotel Gutenberg proved to be an excellent choice. It is only a three minute walk from the tram stop and just a block from the cathedral area. The building is old but the interior is very modern. My wife always takes the elevator up to our floor, while I opt for the stairs. Using them I get a glimpse of what the interior might have looked like in the past.

Travel is what you make it

Not everyone travels the same way. This a Viking River Cruise day excursion group . When we exited the hotel they were right across the street and the guide was pointing out details on the exterior of our hotel. We joke that when we get old and can’t get around is when we will do the river cruises and such. Now we are just not into large groups.

The kugelhopf I had for breakfast yesterday morning (and really enjoyed) comes in all sizes. This one in a boulangerie patisserie just down the street from the hotel was over 15 pounds. My wife tried a piece this morning and decided it was too dry for her. I tried a different cake this morning with a chocolate center, it was another excellent choice. I wonder what tomorrow morning will bring. One I thing I know for sure is it will bring more munster cheese, cause the worse they smell the better they taste.


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