We received a very unexpected gift this past Holiday Season, a quilt from a dear friend of our daughter and her husband. As a twist on a famous quote: “The Lady Doth Seweth to Excess”. With the cold weather we have been experiencing ( it got down to 24 F, -4 C, last night, when we stream our favorite shows in the evening (does anyone watch regular TV anymore, we NEVER do as we can’t stand commercials or ads in anything we consume as we will not be the product. I believe I digressed a serious amount there and totally lost what I wanted to write, lol. Anyway, the quilt we received when placed over our legs on chilly evenings makes watching the screen an enjoyable experience. But wait, there is more.

How can you not admire someone who would place a label like this in something they have sewn especially for you. May there be millions more Ellen’s in the world. And what a better place the world would be because of that.