Tunisia – Our Travel Plans Have Changed

November 2, 2022 There was a reason for the interruption in posts, the pandemic had finally caught up with us. After isolating for three days, we finally tested negative and mutually decided to forgo the remainder of our travels and return to the States. Linda was affected to a greater degree than I have been. There is a “long and messy story” within that last sentence. The plan for now is return home tomorrow, but the plan was previously to return home today, so we will get there when we get there. I’ll end by saying that being in a country like Tunisia and testing positive for Covid makes things a little more difficult than being at home in the States, but we will get through all this.

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  1. I am so sorry to read you both were impacted by covid but glad you are on the road to recovery. I have enjoyed reading about your travels since it is so different than the way Rob and I enjoy taking our vacations. Safe travels home. Rest at home will be the best recovery for you both.


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