Everybody Likes The Eagles

Screenshots of the Friends of Big Bear Valley Eagle Cam on YouTube

Most of our time “watching TV” is actually watching YouTube on the TV screen. The only other uses of our TV’s are streaming and using them as giant sized computer monitors. We do not watch regular TV shows. Besides when are you ever going to find something as interesting as the many wildlife cams from around the world that live stream on YouTube. If you have never tried it, take a look, you might find something new for your viewing pleasure. FYI, the screenshots were taken when the chick was only a day old.

Something a Little Different

My wife always washes any fresh fruits or vegetables we buy. When I saw how she had arranged them on a drying mat I immediately grab my camera and began taking photos. There are eight different types of fruits and vegetables in the photo. Cabbage, avocado, tomato, yam, poblano pepper, jalapeno pepper, zucchini, and an orange. Life is good when we eat this good. Yum!

It’s a Jungle Out There

Sweet potato vines

We have been traveling for 9 1/2 months and this was what our patio looked like when we arrived home. We had a volunteer sweet potato vine attempt to overrun it. We carefully dig our sweet potatoes every year, yet they always come back ever though we have never planted them after that first year.


The back yard area has thick layer of wood chip mulch. We have a drip irrigation system back here that only supplies a small amount of water directly to the planting we put in. The bad thing is it going to take some work to clean it all up. The good thing is we will get some serious exercise cleaning it up. Sometime in the future I’ll have to do a before and after post. It really is very pretty when all the plants are growing and the birds are coming to our five bird baths. The overturned clay pots cover the drip irrigation manifolds.

What We Will Miss

Desert Sunset

We have ended our RV travels for a few months and while not every evening brought a sky like this, many times it did. A dust storm in the desert means two things. Choking clouds of dust, but if it subsides before sunset, the dust that remains in the air brings a sunset that defies reality. There was truly magic in the air during our travels and just not at sundown.