Just a Little Fix

Bulldog Catch

It’s what used to allow the shower door in our travel RV to be also used to separate the front from the back. One way it was closed against the shower leaving the hallway open, or it swung across the hallway and when secured with this latch, blocked the hallway separating the front from the back.

Broken part

This part broke. There was a plastic insert in the ring which locked onto a piece mounted on the wall on the other side of the hallway. Unfortunately when the latch was installed the two pieces were not lined up properly.

Fixing the hole

Closeup of my fix of the hole, toothpicks and glue. If I just screwed the bullnose part back into the same hole, the door bracket would soon be broken again.

Newly installed

New door bracket mounted exactly like the broken one. I pushed the bullnose into it after removing the mounting screw, then closed it across the hall. The hole where the screw goes was slightly below and to the left of the repaired hole.

All done

In this position I drilled a pilot hole using the screw hole in the bullnose as a guide, then screwed the bullnose in place. The door now works perfectly. Happy wife, happy Life.

They Did It Their Way

Green Waste pile

The local green waste area. By my way of thinking, but I could be wrong, shouldn’t people dump their waste as far back in the area as possible? And what about the pile of dirt? Am I wrong in thinking dirt doesn’t fall under the classification of green waste? There is also a large sign saying No Plastic in two languages, still there are a number of plastic bottles back there. We dumped our two tarps of green waste as far back as possible. Are some of these people just thoughtless, or do they simply not care?

Not Another Two Skunk Night!!

Do we have two skunks or just one? Our cameras recorded a visit on the night of the 15th at approximately 2:20 (2:20 AM) and again at 5:05 (5:05 AM). My way of thinking is it’s one skunk making its nightly rounds. One of these mornings I’m going to get out of bed early ( I’m usually awake sometime between 3:30 and 4:00 (3:30 and 4:00 AM) and go out and sit on our patio, then maybe see Mr. , Mrs., Miss or Ms. skunk, hopefully avoiding any unpleasant skunk to human interchanges.

A Two Skunk Night

Living as close to the Mexican border as we do, we have multiple security cameras that we have set to record any motion at night around our property. This is NOT because we feel unsafe, rather it just to know what goes on after dark when we are settled into bed like two bugs in a rug, The below video is from one of our cameras focused on our garden area, the area featured in our recent “jungle” posts.