Reorganizing Sophie’s Bays

rear bay

Over time the two larger storage bays in Sophie had become a hodgepodge of items with the back bay holding the heaviest items. Wanting to move some of the weight forward in front of the rear axle meant a complete reorganization of those two bays. Using a the bathroom scales we carry along (someone likes to weigh everyday), made the task easy.


The sewer hose support, water hose and electric cord go in the bottom section when we disconnect to travel.

side bay

The side bay now holds all the heavier items including the leveling blocks, air compressor and tools. Organized so the items used most often are in the handiest location, it should make life easier.

A Product For Every Need

Many a parent has likely faced this at one time or another, a child who won’t eat bread with the crust on. Into the consumer society where both parents work and there is little time do all that needs to be done, comes the perfect solution for that situation. Crustless sandwiched Does this fall under the idea of the better mousetrap?

A Different Kind of RV Park


With the rodeo in town for the weekend, the RV parks are full.


The breeds of cattle they raise on the ranch.


Not a level site, just some gravel on the hillside.

dirt road

Two miles of dirt road, yes just dirt, to get here. It is another really neat stumble upon. Life is indeed great.

Stafford Air and Space Museum


This is a fabulous museum just off I-40 west on Oklahoma City in the town of Weatherford. We were here last year and enjoyed it so much we planned our travels so we could visit it again this year. Lt. Gen. Thomas Stafford was a native of Weatherford. He was one of the most famous astronauts of all time, but he was much more that that. While the museum has many mementos of his life, the museum is much, much more and is on the cusp of becoming the second best Air and Space museum on the USA. It really should be a must stop for anyone who grew up during the space race or is interested in aircraft or space.

moon rock

A moon rock. Stafford never set foot on the moon, but he was in the lunar lander that descended to within 50,000 feet of the moon and paved the way for the next Apollo mission that saw Armstrong and Collins set foot on the moon.

wind tunnel

It all started with the Wright Brothers. Their wind tunnel incorporated a galvanized wash tube, but it led to the development of the first ever flight at kitty Hawk, N.C.


What could it be?

Mig 21

It’s the cockpit of a MIG 21.


Given the chance to be a kid again, how can anyone pass it up. If your travels take you anywhere near Weatherford, Oklahoma you would do well to stop at the Stafford Air and Space Museum.

We Are in Tornado Country


It is the office, laundry, restrooms and shower building at the RV park we are staying at, But is more than just those four things.

Storm Shelter

Opening this door leads down the steps to the storm shelter that is underneath the office. Having been in one tornado many years ago, we always try to locate the storm shelter when staying at a RV park in tornado country.