Will Edging Solve the Problem?

It has been a constant fight between the purple plants and the ever encroaching Bermuda grass in the area surrounding this palm tree. Noticing that many of our neighbors have installed edging to solve this problem, we picked up a 20 foot long section of plastic edging while buying some other gardening supplies this morning. It being our usual miserable hot humid weather, installation can wait until tomorrow morning.

Deconstructed Granola

I’ve always wanted to use the word deconstructed in a blog title. And yes, I know it should have used unconstructed or some word like that. It’s been a looong hard day and I forgot to write a post earlier so this is what you get.

And a while later she mixed all the ingredients together then baked it. At that point I had to stay out of the RV while it was baking since the fantastically wonderful smell makes me want to eat handfuls just as soon as it cools down.

Planting More Morning Glory Seeds

We’ve had a wonderful bloom this year from our volunteer morning glory plant. Unfortunately the plant is nearing the end of its life cycle, though it is still displaying a handful of blooms everyday. The little seeds have an extremely hard shell, so the best way to ensure the seeds germinate is to soak them in water till they begin to germinate. Today was the day that little miracle of life occurred.

My job in all this was to construct the seed bed near the back fence. Our soil is rock hard clay which some times grows things and sometimes doesn’t. It was a matter of removing half of the clay, pulverizing the other half and mixing it with potting soil and and sandy soil. Before placing it back in the hole I made a bottomless “container” out of bricks.

In the ground go the seeds.

A thin shade cloth cover will give them a good start when they are up and growing.

The old morning glory has definitely seen better days. The new bed is about 10 feet to the right of this one.

Just to prove that was not a posed photo of her planting the seeds, here is the video i took immediately after taking the photo.

Tomato and Pepper Seedlings Under Grow Lights

It’s fall garden time and our tomato and pepper plants are busy growing under the grow lights. The get a very weak solution of Miracle-Gro as their daily watering. There is also a small fan set on low blowing on them. The grow lights are controlled by an automatic timer and are on for 15 hours a day. They are darker green than they appear because of the red cast from the grow lights.

They are very sturdy due to the gentle breeze from the fan.