Back to Blogging – Butte, Montana

August 16, 2023

For nearly a year and a half I blogged every day, then suddenly stopped. I was simply burned out. We were not traveling and it was almost the same thing day after day. In early June we started traveling again but for some reason I had no desire to write about all the interesting places we were seeing, but today I got bit by the blogging bug once again. Unfortunately because of my hiatus you missed our travels in west Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho and some of Montana.

This is our third time spending time in the historic mining town of Butte and each time has been different. Its history is one of mining cumulating in one of the richest copper deposits found, though now it is just a mammoth hole in the ground, 1 mile long, a half mile wide and over a quarter mile deep. From the viewing stand it is too huge to show it all.

The color of the water looks so inviting, just like a Venus Fly Trap looks to an insect.

Photos don’t due justice to its size. Can you see the building at the edge of the water just in from the left side of the image?

It’s going to take a while to get back into the blogging groove. That’s all for today.

Coating The RV Roof

It was a long day, but it was worth it.

First was spraying on the cleaner/activator, then pressure washing, next was rinsing it thoroughly. After it was completely dry the first coat was applied. The overhang at the sides took the longest as it required brushing the coating on, the top was done with a roller. Once the first coat was dry, the second coat was applied.

The difference between the roof and the top of the slide is very apparent. Bad weather is in the forecast, so it will be a week or so before the slides are done. They are in much better shape than the roof was, but doing them all now makes sense.