Author: robrose
Flu Shots
Far More Than Just a XML T6 Flashlight Fix
This awesome LED flashlight is sold under a number of different brand names. Recently we had an experience when trying to recharge the battery that the switch mechanism literally came apart spewing the parts in different directions.. So, when faced with this do you […]
Garden Cleanup
Nutsedge is a very common weed on our RV lot and it is really hard to eradicate. Unfortunately the water leak we had in the garden while were traveling in our RV this summer gave it one of the things it most loves, plenty […]
Preparing to Travel for Three Months
In approximately 3 weeks we will be leaving the US and traveling through Europe, North Africa and the Middle East for three months. Planning for all that travel takes planning. The family planner has been busy planning knowing full well that based on past […]