A Visit to St. Goar

October 15, 2022 A word of explanation. These posts are not meant to be a travelogue that shows the things to see or do while where we are traveling. It is the bits and pieces I find fascinating for one reason or another that […]

A Rainy Day in Bacharach

October 14 2022 The weather has become cold and rainy, so we decided to stay in Bacharach today and go out between the periods of rain. The best breakfasts are German breakfasts, said I. The best breakfasts are German Breakfasts, said she. Lovely scenery, […]

A Visit to Remagen

October 13, 2022 Spent an afternoon in Remagen , famous for being the site of the Ludendorff Bridge. Nothing better than a good German breakfast. There were quite a few hotel boats on the Rhine. Vineyards above Bacharach. The old city wall near our […]