Summer RV Trip Statistics

A brief summary of our summer RV trip, statistics wise. We were initially surprised surprised at how many empty sites there were at the RV parks we stayed at, but when the price of fuel went ever higher the further north we travelled it was apparent many people decided not to travel this year for that reason. Next year we plan to travel in our RV about 8 months, unless we decide to spend more time outside the US. The freedom of the open road wherever it is, is the greatest thing about the way we live.

2 – Countries traveled in (US and Canada)

6 – States traveled through (Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, N. & S. Dakota) we traveled though all states twice, once going north and once returning to Texas

69 – Number of days on trip

$250 – cost of gas

$1500 – cost of diesel fuel

2000 – number of miles RV driven

$2700 – cost of RV parks


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